Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How Can An Investor Apply for Treasury Bills?

  • You can purchase Treasury bills at any time through Primary Dealers (PDs) or Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs) registered with the CBSL. PDs are the institutions appointed by the CBSL for trading in Government securities. Contact details of these institutions are given below.
  • You can purchase Treasury bills by sending bids to the primary auctions through PDs or through direct placements.
  • In order to make arrangement for fund transfers, you can advise your own bank to open a Rupee account named Treasury bill Investment External Rupee Account - 2 (TIERA - 2)” in an LCB in Sri Lanka.
  • After completing the transaction, your agent (LCB/PD) will open a security account for you in the CDS maintained by the CBSL. This account is debited /credited simultaneously based on your tradings in the market.

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