Sunday, May 15, 2011

Faith in Oneself

One must have faith in oneself to have satisfaction in life. Your faith in you will make you confident and you will have courage to do anything in life. To have faith, you should first know about yourself and then respect yourself as a person as you are. If you know yourself, then you will know what you want in life. When you are clear about yourself, then you start gaining faith in yourself. If you have faith in yourself, only then can achieve your goal, whether you are doing a job or a business. It means that your confidence in yourself will help you to face the problems of your life. The people who try their best to find solutions to their problems are daredevils an can achieve what they imagine. Your faith in you will help you to have self-motivation too. Thus, you will never loose heart if you fail. It will never let you feel inferior or superior to others. Some people don’t have faith in themselves because they always try to do that work which others do and follow them without knowing what they really want in their life. Therefore, they can never be happy and satisfied with their life. When such people begin their work, they remain confused while working on their projects and it becomes impossible for them to achieve their goal. Confused people may have big dreams but are not able to fulfill those dreams to achieve their goal and earn money. They also never like those people whom they find better than them. Those who want to be someone else do like themselves, or can say, they hate themselves. Those who don’t like themselves, can  never be satisfied in their life and for them achieve their goals in an impossible task. For example, at your workplace, there are so many people who are working with you. Some of them enjoy their work and remain happy but some of them remain irritated and always try to make others irritable. The people who have faith in themselves are contented with what they have and what they are doing.

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