Sunday, May 15, 2011

Enjoy Earning Money

We always talking about the money and why not? We are human beings and for our better lives. To improve our standard of living, we need money. Everybody on this earth wants to be the richest person. But it all depends upon our attitude. Attitude means how we perceive ourselves and then start leading our life with that behaviour. Earning money is not so important but earning money with satisfaction is the most important thing. We must understand the meaning of one’s attitude towards life.

What is money?  You go out, you check your pocket. When you come home, you again put your hands in your pocket to see how much money you have brought to your home. When you go to market, if you don’t have money, you do only window-shopping. Money is required everywhere and for everything. Whenever you think of fulfilling your desires without hassles, you need to have money.

Money is our need; to bring pleasure. Those who either do not know the power of money or they don’t want to see its power must have lost their heart and confidence. They think they cannot earn money because the don’t have faith in themselves. For them, there is no charm in their life. Their attitude towards life is negative. In this world, you may find some people who do not know the numbers, who are real saints and have different ways of leading their lives. For them, life is to live, come what may on their way. Moreover, they are not materialistic. But majority of us want money.

Money makes you feel secured. You feel you are something, as you know you have something in your pocket in the form of your bank balance. You also feel elated when you get respect because of this money. If you are earning money, everybody at homes gives you respect and if you are better than others in earning, then you get extra respect. If you have gone to the market and buy costly things, the salesman also gives you respect.

Attitude can be either positive or negative. You have positive attitude towards life when you make life as it comes and let the life go as it goes. Therefore you enjoy moment of your life. You earn money within the limit of your capacity and your circumstances. You lead a satisfied life. You have a negative attitude towards life when you keep on crying on your failures and for that you blame yourself as well as others. You make your life hell and always remain under stress. Most of us know the definition of attitude, even then negative thoughts overpower our behaviour. How to have a positive attitude is a big question for all of us.


It is your determination with which you withstand and kind of difficulty to achieve your goal in life. It is your confidence in you, faith in yourself, and your enthusiasm, which is your inner strength that help you not to lose heart when you meet with failures. It is your courage that helps you to take risks in life and it is your motivational force which never lets your energy go waste in crying over your failures. When all these qualities put together make a strong desire in you, that becomes you will-power. If you think big to do something in life, then you plan accordingly to achieve your goal. You can if you have the will-power that makes you strong and fearless so that you concentrate completely on your planning and try your best to give your imagination a practical shape. If you don't have the will-power, then you can only think big and can make a planning but you will not be able to take the risk to achieve your goal. People with will-power are always achievers and never leave their job in between even though they meet with failures. They are not afraid of taking risks in their life because their ultimate aim is to achieve what they have imagined. They can do anything to achieve their planning with complete attention and then give their best to execute that planning. Hence, people with will-power are generally intelligent and matured enough not t o do that work which is not accepted by the law of their immaturity, do so illegal jobs to achieve their goal. These people don't have patience in them and want to achieve their goal before time and take wrong decisions. Therefore, they should understand that the people with will-power must have patience. They should also be able to differentiate between illegal and legal works. So with the quality of will-power, you can do anything but one must know one's limitations.


To lead a satisfactory life, we need to earn money. How do we earn money depends upon our attitude. When our weaknesses overpower our qualities, we are leading a life with negative attitude. On the other hand, when our qualities do not let our weakness overpower us, we have a positive attitude towards life. Almost everyone knows about the meaning of attitude. Even then most of the time our weaknesses overpower behaviour. Nobody on this earth can be perfect. But to be successful in life, one can try to have a positive attitude to earn money along with satisfaction. Therefore, to have a positive attitude, one must know the meaning of some characteristics which a person should have. If you see yourself, then you will find some of these characteristics in you too and if you don’t have any these characteristics. Then you should try to acquire and develop them in yourself but only after understanding their meanings. These characteristics are as follows:

The original Greek meaning of the word ‘Enthusiasm’ is “a God within”. It means that we should know ourselves to find out God, who is inside us. Our God is our inner strength that helps us to have a positive thinking. Therefore, it helps us to do whatever we have thought of doing and whatever we want to achieve. You will be enthusiastic only when you are doing that work which suits your nature. So, to have an enthusiasm, you should know yourself. Your enthusiastic attitude will help you to never give up because it keeps on boosting your confidence and help you to concentrate on the work which you are doing at present. Hence, you do your job with full energy to achieve your goals. Sometimes, while doing some job, you don’t get the result and become upset. If you have enthusiasm, then you don’t waste your energy on your failure. Rather you try to utilize your energy in finding out the reasons of your failure by saying to yourself again that you want to achieve your goals and you will achieve that sooner or later. Enthusiasm is the way to success in everything you do, not only for yourself, but also for those around you.


Courage is a quality with which you can care to take risks in life. One person with courage represents the mass. Courageous people always lead because they never hesitate in taking decisions in life. It helps you to have a presence of mind, that means if any problem arises, which you have not thought of while doing your job, then with the help of your presence of mind, and courage, you can take decisions without any hesitation. Once you make a planning to do some kind of work. Then your courage will help you in starting that work. Your courage will never let  you feel that others, who are working with you, are better than you because you can be courageous only when you have faith in you. Therefore, courageous people are not afraid of any kind of competition. There is a famous saying, “God helps those who help themselves”. The people who have courage always help themselves and they are not dependent upon others and God too, helps such people. Once these people have decided to do something, they start looking for avenues to complete that work with full enthusiasm and never shirk work. They are not bothered about the result, whether they will get success or failure. If, anyhow, they fail, then they learn from their mistakes and begin their work again with fresh enthusiasm without thinking of the result and enjoy doing their work. They also get a setback on their failures but temporarily. They are great believers in themselves. The people who come into their contact try to remain associated with them as courage makes them confident. Every human being likes confident people and wants to be like them. Courage will help you will be able to finish your work with full energy. Your courage in you is always helpful to have a positive attitude towards your life and that makes you successful.


It is the quality in you which helps you to solve your problems because you never remain in a hurry. Thus, you don’t waste your energy on your failure, rather you utilize that to give quality work. If you are fearless in taking calculative risks but you don’t have patience, then you won’t be able to achieve your goal. When you are doing your job, you require patience at every step. Even you should be patient enough to see the result for which you have worked. You should have patience while working, as some work may take more time than what you have planned. If you are working and you have no patience in you, then you may take wrong decisions as you will try to complete your job before time. Therefore, one must know that every process takes its own time as well as has its own limitations and one has to work according to those limitations. We all quite familiar with the saying “Rome was not built in a day”. To make this city beautiful, the Romans had to spend a lot of time, which was required. For example, if you have to cook a particular food, then you have to go through all the processes that are required to cook that food. You cannot avoid any of the processes and if you miss any of the processes, you won’t be able to get required taste and your food will be a flop show. One must patience to complete all the processes. Also, if you want to see the ready food before its cooking time, then you will not get properly cooked food and the taste of the food will not be up to the mark. So, one must also have patience for the result, as everything takes its own time for completion and one has to wait and watch. Sometimes, you don’t get the result you are looking for but then you must not lose temper. You should have patience to keep your head cool to find out the mistake you made while working so that the same mistake is not repeated again. Nobody wants to sit idle. Everybody wants to keep himself busy. The people with patience remain busy facing their problems and them finding the solutions to others and themselves on their failures. If you are patience, then you won’t get frustrated even if you don’t find the solution of any particular problem. The people, who believe in doing work and have patience, become successful in their lives.


It is the energy or you can say, the force inside you, which never lets you get depressed and lose your heart in your failures. If something happens wrong with you and you don’t get for what you have tried hard, then your motivation helps you to come out of your depression. Though you have enthusiasm and courage and you never give up but when you meet with failures again and again, you may lose your enthusiasm and courage. You become afraid of starting anything new as you lose faith in yourself. If this has happened with you, then your motivational force with help you to regain your confidence. You start leading a normal life and again start taking risks to achieve what you have imagined. Some people do self-motivation and keep on trying to find out the reasons o their failures and say to themselves, “let me try again and this time I won’t make the mistakes or I have to do it and I will do it and I’ll definitely achieve my goal”. They again develop belief and faith in themselves and get motivated. Some people, when their downtrend starts, get motivated with the company they are living in. Their friends and their family members try to help them to come out of their depression by telling them the stories of different people who met with failures many times and even then they never gave up and got success at the end. They try to give them positive reinforcement by some or other way. It is always better to have the company of those people who think positive and keep on improving themselves by learning from their mistakes. Such people never laugh on your failure, rather they try to help you to solve your problems. You should always have a good company of people to motivate you when you are depressed. But it is always better to learn the art of self-motivation. For this you don’t need to go anywhere but you can motivate yourself by telling yourself, “I am the only one who have achieve my goal myself and other can give me only suggestions but the ultimate decisions will be mine”. To do something, you should have some driving force in the form of enthusiasm and courage and your self-motivation will never let your driving force go out of you and, in this way, you will easily achieve your goal.


One must be fearless to achieve one’s aim in life. Fearless people are not worried about anything happening around them because they have to accomplish their target. They are not afraid of anything, such as the unfavorable resulting in great losses. They have confident in themselves and they know, while working on some project, if the circumstances become unfavorable, they won’t achieve their goal but that will not stop them from working further. They will try to learn from their mistakes to start their business again because they have faith in themselves. Fearlessness does not mean that you make others afraid of you and do your work without considering your legal system. The actual meaning of the word ‘fearlessness’ is when you are not doing any theing wrong and working within the legal limits with full enthusiasm. Then you won’t  be afraid of anything  or anybody and you will be fearless. Fearless people have leadership qualities because they have courage to take the risks in life and are ready to face the consequences of their decisions. Therefore, the others follow them. When they have no fear of losing anything, then they can do whatever they imagine. Thus, to achieve their goal, they take calculative risk. They may lose or they may win. If somehow, they lose, then it does not matter to them, as they are not afraid of loss and they again start their work with fresh enthusiasm. If they get the result of their choice then it becomes a successful venture for them and they again think of some other goals and start planning to achieve that. They believe in the saying “success is a journey and not a destination”. They have a different kind of vision in life and always try to develop the system they are living in. The fearless people have lot of energy inside them, as they know themselves and their capabilities. They don’t waste their energy by getting tensed of  losing anything as they believe in doing and not in the result. Their energy makes them a magnetic personality and their faces glows that attracts others towards them. Always try to be fearless and you will find that life base become smooth and hassle free, which is the latent desire of everyone. Fearless people get success in their life because they generally can achieve what they imagine.

Faith in Oneself

One must have faith in oneself to have satisfaction in life. Your faith in you will make you confident and you will have courage to do anything in life. To have faith, you should first know about yourself and then respect yourself as a person as you are. If you know yourself, then you will know what you want in life. When you are clear about yourself, then you start gaining faith in yourself. If you have faith in yourself, only then can achieve your goal, whether you are doing a job or a business. It means that your confidence in yourself will help you to face the problems of your life. The people who try their best to find solutions to their problems are daredevils an can achieve what they imagine. Your faith in you will help you to have self-motivation too. Thus, you will never loose heart if you fail. It will never let you feel inferior or superior to others. Some people don’t have faith in themselves because they always try to do that work which others do and follow them without knowing what they really want in their life. Therefore, they can never be happy and satisfied with their life. When such people begin their work, they remain confused while working on their projects and it becomes impossible for them to achieve their goal. Confused people may have big dreams but are not able to fulfill those dreams to achieve their goal and earn money. They also never like those people whom they find better than them. Those who want to be someone else do like themselves, or can say, they hate themselves. Those who don’t like themselves, can  never be satisfied in their life and for them achieve their goals in an impossible task. For example, at your workplace, there are so many people who are working with you. Some of them enjoy their work and remain happy but some of them remain irritated and always try to make others irritable. The people who have faith in themselves are contented with what they have and what they are doing.