We always talking about the money and why not? We are human beings and for our better lives. To improve our standard of living, we need money. Everybody on this earth wants to be the richest person. But it all depends upon our attitude. Attitude means how we perceive ourselves and then start leading our life with that behaviour. Earning money is not so important but earning money with satisfaction is the most important thing. We must understand the meaning of one’s attitude towards life.
What is money? You go out, you check your pocket. When you come home, you again put your hands in your pocket to see how much money you have brought to your home. When you go to market, if you don’t have money, you do only window-shopping. Money is required everywhere and for everything. Whenever you think of fulfilling your desires without hassles, you need to have money.
Money is our need; to bring pleasure. Those who either do not know the power of money or they don’t want to see its power must have lost their heart and confidence. They think they cannot earn money because the don’t have faith in themselves. For them, there is no charm in their life. Their attitude towards life is negative. In this world, you may find some people who do not know the numbers, who are real saints and have different ways of leading their lives. For them, life is to live, come what may on their way. Moreover, they are not materialistic. But majority of us want money.
Money makes you feel secured. You feel you are something, as you know you have something in your pocket in the form of your bank balance. You also feel elated when you get respect because of this money. If you are earning money, everybody at homes gives you respect and if you are better than others in earning, then you get extra respect. If you have gone to the market and buy costly things, the salesman also gives you respect.
Attitude can be either positive or negative. You have positive attitude towards life when you make life as it comes and let the life go as it goes. Therefore you enjoy moment of your life. You earn money within the limit of your capacity and your circumstances. You lead a satisfied life. You have a negative attitude towards life when you keep on crying on your failures and for that you blame yourself as well as others. You make your life hell and always remain under stress. Most of us know the definition of attitude, even then negative thoughts overpower our behaviour. How to have a positive attitude is a big question for all of us.